DSP IEEE 2018 Projects @ Chennai

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Vibration Rejection using Notch Filter in Servo Drive System


The mechanical systems have vibration in torque transmission from servo motor to mechanical load due to the mechanical resonance. This vibration makes it difficult to achieve quick speed responses and may result in damage to the mechanical plant. In the Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) and other dedicated machines, used in industrial applications like robots and factory automation, require more precision speed control.

A filter has to be added to servo drive system to avoid the above said problems. The primary problem of low-pass filters is that they introduce phase lag in the loop, reducing the phase margin at the gain crossover. If the cut-off frequency of low pass filter is lower than the mechanical resonance frequency, we can avoid the mechanical vibration from resonance. But, the output control signal is reduced by the low pass filter; the fast dynamic response can not be implemented 

This project is selected for elimination/reduction of resonance vibration in the servo drive system and it can be achieved by adding the notch filter in closed loop with PID controller. The resonance frequency is calculated by performing a fast Fourier transform on the motor speed error signal. The advantage of using FFT method is its fastness in achieving the response with greater precision.

In this project, the simulation model is developed with the MATLAB SIMULINK tool. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where are the simulink modelo?, Thanks